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Arvind Mills - Sustainable Textiles from India for Garment Manufacturing

Arvind Mills - Sustainable Textiles from India for Garment Manufacturing

As most of us already know, the fashion industry contributes to 10% of global carbon emissions and consumes more energy than aviation and shipping combined, so the need for sustainability has never been more urgent. In that light, the demand for sustainable fashion has been growing, as consumers put their money behind eco-friendly choices, influencing the brands and their manufacturing partners, to adapt to this changing trend. But what could they do, without a consistent supply of organic, sustainable and traceable raw material?

That’s where companies like Arvind Mills in India, come into the picture, having spent many years now in trying to develop sustainable textile choices as well as working for alternate energy use, water conservation reducing their carbon footprint, social responsibility and much more. . In this blog we talk about the environment-friendly, sustainable fabric choices we get from India, to manufacture garments for fashion brands worldwide.

Sustainable Practices by Arvind Mills

Sustainable practices by Arvind Mills

1. Water Efficiency:

Water is a precious resource, and its conservation is paramount in sustainable manufacturing practices. Arvind Mills recognizes this and has implemented various measures to enhance water efficiency across its operations.

Retrofitting Water Taps and Faucets: 

  • One of the key initiatives undertaken by Arvind Mills to reduce water consumption is the retrofitting of water taps and faucets with water-saving aerators. These aerators are designed to regulate and reduce the flow rate of water without compromising user experience. By installing these aerators, Arvind Mills has successfully decreased water flow rates from 11-12 liters per minute to a more sustainable 4 liters per minute. 

  • This simple yet effective intervention is expected to result in a significant reduction in water usage, saving approximately 2500 – 3000 KL of water annually.

Collaboration for Improved Water Efficiency: 

  • Arvind Mills understands that enhancing water efficiency requires collaborative efforts throughout the supply chain. As part of their commitment to sustainability, they have engaged with their vendor partners to improve water efficiency in the manufacturing process. 

  • By working closely with these partners, Arvind Mills aims to identify and implement innovative solutions that minimize water consumption without compromising on product quality or production efficiency. This collaborative approach not only fosters a culture of sustainability but also ensures that water resources are used responsibly and efficiently.

2. Minimizing Waste:

Textile waste is a significant environmental concern, with tons of discarded fabric ending up in landfills each year. Arvind Mills recognizes the importance of minimizing waste from its operations and is actively pursuing strategies to reduce, recycle, and reuse textile waste throughout its value chain.

Recycling Cutting and Reject Waste:

  • Arvind Mills is committed to recycling cutting and rejecting waste generated during the manufacturing process. By implementing efficient waste management practices, they aim to minimize the amount of textile waste sent to landfills. 

  • Through innovative recycling technologies and processes, Arvind Mills is able to repurpose these waste materials into new products or materials, thereby reducing their environmental impact.

Unlimited Campaign for Garment Recycling: 

  • To raise awareness about the growing problem of textile waste and provide customers with a sustainable disposal option for their old garments, Arvind Mills launched the Unlimited campaign. This initiative encouraged customers to bring their old and unused garments for recycling.

  • The response was overwhelming, with Unlimited collecting a total of 5700 garments, weighing approximately 1.3 tonnes, through the campaign. These garments are being carefully evaluated for their potential to be reused or recycled, further highlighting Arvind Mills' commitment to sustainable practices.

Transforming Waste into a Resource: 

  • In line with their sustainability goals, Arvind Mills views waste as a valuable resource rather than a burden. By redefining waste as the new era resource, they have implemented measures to improve recyclability across their facilities. This includes optimizing processes to minimize waste generation and maximizing the reuse and recycling of materials at every stage of the textile process. 

  • From empty chemical carboys to comber noil generated during spinning, Arvind Mills is dedicated to measuring, assessing, and minimizing waste creation to create a more sustainable future.

3. Environment Management Systems:

In its commitment to sustainability and responsible operations, Arvind Mills has established robust Environment Management Systems (EMS) aligned with its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policy. These systems are designed to ensure that environmental considerations are integrated into all aspects of its manufacturing facilities.

Implementation of ISO14001 Standard: 

  • Arvind Mills adheres to the ISO14001 standard for environment management, which serves as a comprehensive framework for addressing environmental impacts. This standard covers various aspects of operations, including water management, energy management, waste management, and air quality management. 

  • By implementing ISO14001, Arvind Mills demonstrates its commitment to meeting internationally recognized environmental standards and mitigating its environmental footprint.

Verification and Third-Party Audits: 

  • To uphold the integrity of its EMS and ensure compliance with international standards, Arvind Mills undergoes rigorous verification and third-party audits. These audits are conducted by specialized verification companies to assess the effectiveness of the EMS and verify its adherence to ISO14001 standards. 

  • By subjecting its EMS to external scrutiny, Arvind Mills demonstrates transparency and accountability in its environmental performance.

Continuous Improvement and Environmental Performance: 

  • Arvind Mills is dedicated to continuous improvement of its EMS and regularly reviews its environmental performance. This commitment to ongoing evaluation and enhancement ensures that Arvind Mills remains at the forefront of sustainable manufacturing practices. 

  • By monitoring key performance indicators and striving for excellence in environmental management, Arvind Mills aims to minimize its environmental impact and maximize its sustainability efforts.

4. Decarbonization and Climate Change:

In the face of escalating climate change risks, Arvind Mills is spearheading efforts towards decarbonization, recognizing it as the cornerstone of a sustainable future. With a comprehensive approach that encompasses both mitigation and adaptation strategies, Arvind Mills is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and building resilience against climate-related challenges.

Understanding Climate Change Risks:

  • Climate change poses multifaceted risks, ranging from adverse effects on lives, livelihoods, and ecosystems to economic and social upheaval. Arvind Mills conducted a qualitative analysis of physical and transition scenarios to proactively manage these risks.

  • By evaluating the resilience of its approach to climate change, Arvind Mills can better understand the potential impacts and devise localized adaptation plans to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities.

Physical Climate Risk Adaptation Plan: 

  • As a key player in the textile industry, Arvind Mills faces significant risks due to its dependence on raw materials, water use, energy efficiency, and logistics. To address these challenges, Arvind Mills is strengthening its sustainable raw material portfolio by directly sourcing sustainable cotton from farmers practicing BCI, Organic, and Regenerative Agricultural practices. 

  • By prioritizing sustainable sourcing, Arvind Mills not only reduces its environmental impact but also builds resilience against climate-related risks.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction: 

  • Arvind Mills is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius. Through initiatives such as the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), Arvind Mills is setting ambitious targets to lower its carbon footprint. 

  • Additionally, Arvind Mills is continuously developing low-carbon products that enable customers to reduce their Scope 3 emissions, further contributing to climate mitigation efforts.

Avoided Emissions and Sustainable Sourcing: 

  • A significant portion of Arvind Mills' emissions are covered in the Scope 3 emissions of its customers. By increasing the sourcing of renewable electricity and incorporating sustainable materials like organic cotton and BCI cotton into its product portfolio, Arvind Mills avoids emissions associated with conventional production methods. 

  • Through external Life Cycle Assessments, Arvind Mills quantifies the environmental benefits of sustainable sourcing, highlighting the importance of decarbonization in its climate change strategy.

5. Circular Fashion:

At the core of Arvind's business philosophy lies the commitment to designing products in a fundamentally sustainable manner. Embracing the principles of circular fashion, Arvind Mills ensures that sustainability is integrated into every stage of the product lifecycle, from sourcing raw materials to product development, manufacturing, use, and eventual recycling.

Integration of Sustainability Throughout the Product Lifecycle: 

  • Arvind Mills' approach to circular fashion goes beyond mere production processes; it encompasses a holistic view of sustainability that spans the entire lifecycle of its products.

  •  By prioritizing material issues and sustainability, Arvind Mills ensures that every aspect of its operations reflects a commitment to environmental responsibility and ethical practices.

Initiatives for Low Carbon Products: 

As part of its Circular Fashion Initiatives, Arvind Mills is taking proactive steps to design low-carbon products that minimize environmental impact. These initiatives include:

  • Using Recycled Materials: Arvind Mills incorporates a variety of recycled materials into its products, including recycled cotton, polyester, and nylon. By utilizing recycled materials, Arvind Mills reduces the demand for virgin resources and promotes a more sustainable approach to production.

  • Sourcing Sustainable Materials: Given that cotton is a key raw material for Arvind Mills, the company has invested in promoting regenerative, organic, and Better Cotton agriculture. Additionally, Arvind Mills utilizes other sustainable materials such as Tencel and Hemp, further diversifying its material portfolio and reducing its ecological footprint.

  • Integration of Renewables: Arvind Mills has implemented measures to integrate renewable energy sources into its electricity mix. This includes initiatives such as setting up solar rooftop and wind-solar hybrid systems, reducing the company's reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating its carbon emissions.

Through these initiatives, Arvind Mills demonstrates its commitment to circular fashion and the transition towards a more sustainable future. By prioritizing recycled materials, sustainable sourcing practices, and renewable energy integration, Arvind Mills is paving the way for a fashion industry that is not only environmentally conscious but also socially responsible.

6. Biodiversity and Fibre:

While much attention has been directed towards the textile industry's impact on climate change, the significant toll it exacts on biodiversity often goes unnoticed. The processes involved in textile production, from raw material sourcing to manufacturing, can have profound effects on ecosystems, soil health, and water quality. Arvind Mills recognizes the importance of safeguarding biodiversity and has implemented measures to address the industry's impact on natural ecosystems.

Biodiversity Risk Assessment: 

  • Arvind Mills conducted a comprehensive biodiversity risk assessment to evaluate the impact of its operations and value chain on biodiversity. This assessment identified key risks and dependencies, guiding the company's strategies for mitigating negative impacts and capitalizing on opportunities to promote biodiversity conservation. 

  • By adopting the AR3T framework, Arvind Mills has devised targeted actions to address biodiversity-related risks, including transitioning to deforestation-free supply chains, promoting regenerative agriculture practices, and advocating for biodiversity criteria in certification standards.

Fibre Sustainability Initiatives: As a leading player in the textile and apparel sector, Arvind Mills recognizes the importance of ensuring a transparent and traceable supply of fibers. To this end, the company has implemented sustainable fiber initiatives aimed at enhancing traceability and quality while minimizing environmental impact. These initiatives include:

  • Sustainable Cotton Supply Chain: Arvind Mills is committed to creating a sustainable cotton supply chain, from farms to fabric production. By sourcing cotton from farms practicing sustainable agriculture methods such as organic and regenerative practices, Arvind Mills reduces the environmental footprint associated with conventional cotton production.

  • Reducing Dependence on Virgin Material: Arvind Mills is actively reducing its dependence on virgin materials by incorporating recycled fibres into its products and recycling post-industrial waste. By diverting waste from landfills and promoting the circular economy, Arvind Mills minimizes its environmental impact while conserving natural resources.

  • Exploring Alternate Natural Fibres: In addition to traditional cotton, Arvind Mills is exploring alternate natural fibers as sustainable alternatives. By diversifying its fibre portfolio, Arvind Mills aims to reduce reliance on resource-intensive materials and promote biodiversity conservation.

Through these initiatives, Arvind Mills demonstrates its commitment to addressing the impact of the textile industry on biodiversity while promoting sustainability across its supply chain. By prioritizing biodiversity risk assessment, sustainable fibre sourcing, and water stewardship, Arvind Mills sets a precedent for environmentally responsible textile production.

7. Chemical Management:

The textile manufacturing process involves extensive use of chemicals, which are crucial for various stages such as dyeing, finishing, and treating fabrics. However, the improper use and disposal of these chemicals can have detrimental effects on the environment and human health. Arvind Mills recognizes the importance of responsible chemical management and has adopted a lifecycle approach to ensure the safe and sustainable use of chemicals throughout its operations.

Commitment to Safer Chemistry Frameworks: 

Arvind Mills is deeply committed to adhering to safer chemistry frameworks to eliminate hazardous chemicals from its production processes. This commitment is evident in several key initiatives:

  • Compliance with ZDHC MRSL: On average, 99% of the chemicals used in Arvind Mills' manufacturing facilities comply with the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL). This high compliance rate underscores the company's dedication to reducing the use of harmful chemicals and ensuring that its processes meet stringent environmental standards.

  • Pioneering Role in ZDHC Programme: Arvind Mills became the first textile mill globally to join the ZDHC programme in 2016. This initiative aims to eliminate hazardous chemicals from the textile and footwear supply chain, promoting safer chemical management practices across the industry. By joining this programme, Arvind Mills has positioned itself as a leader in sustainable chemical management.

  • Eliminating Hazardous Chemicals: The company has adhered to safer chemistry frameworks to systematically eliminate hazardous chemicals from its processes. This proactive approach helps in minimizing the environmental impact of its operations and ensures the safety of its products for consumers.

Innovative Chemical Solutions: 

Arvind Mills is at the forefront of adopting innovative solutions to further enhance its chemical management practices. Some notable initiatives include:

  • Biobased Materials: Arvind Mills has developed denim products that use minimal synthetic chemicals, incorporating biobased materials instead of synthetic indigo dye, pre-wetting chemicals, and auxiliaries. Initial trials of these biobased materials have been successful, showcasing the potential for more sustainable denim production.

  • Bio Black Pigment: In collaboration with Levi's Well Thread products, Arvind Mills has introduced Bio Black, a sustainable black pigment derived from wood waste. This pigment is used for printing and coating on white and natural indigo bases, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional synthetic dyes. This innovation not only reduces the environmental impact but also aligns with consumer demand for more sustainable products.

Lifecycle Approach to Chemical Management: 

Arvind Mills' lifecycle approach to chemical management involves evaluating the environmental and health impacts of chemicals from their sourcing to their final disposal. This comprehensive strategy ensures that every stage of the chemical lifecycle is scrutinized for potential improvements and innovations. By doing so, Arvind Mills can minimize the ecological footprint of its products and contribute to a healthier environment.

Sustainable Clothing Manufacturer in India

Sustainable Clothing Manufacturer in India

As a leading sustainable clothing manufacturer in India NoName partners with Arvind mills, to use their innovative textile products when manufacturing garments for fashion brands worldwide, playing a significant role in advancing the country's sustainability efforts. Dedicated to promoting sustainable practices in clothes manufacturing, NoName Clothing sets the benchmark for ethical and environmentally conscious fashion. The company uses eco-friendly materials throughout its manufacturing processes, ensuring minimal environmental impact and maximum resource efficiency.

By integrating sustainability into every aspect of their operations, NoName Clothing not only reduces its carbon footprint but also inspires other fashion brands to follow suit. Their commitment to sustainable practices in clothes manufacturing has positioned them as a pioneer in the Indian fashion industry, demonstrating that style and sustainability can go hand in hand. Through innovative approaches and a steadfast dedication to the environment, NoName Clothing continues to lead the charge toward a more sustainable future, setting an exemplary standard for others to emulate.

Conclusion: In conclusion, Arvind Mills exemplifies a deep commitment to sustainable practices in the fashion industry. Through water efficiency, waste minimization, robust environmental management systems, climate change adaptation, circular fashion, biodiversity initiatives, and innovative chemical management, Arvind Mills sets a high standard for sustainability. Their comprehensive approach not only mitigates environmental impact but also fosters a culture of responsibility and innovation.

For those seeking to support and embrace sustainability in fashion, NoName Clothing is a leading sustainable clothing manufacturer in India. Their dedication to eco-friendly materials and sustainable practices in clothes manufacturing ensures that fashion can be both stylish and environmentally responsible. By choosing NoName Clothing, you contribute to a greener future and support a brand that prioritizes the planet. Embrace sustainable fashion with NoName Clothing and be part of the change towards a more sustainable world.

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